How Can LED Lights Stimulate Plant Growth

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What is LED grow light?

The luminaires of horticulture's future are LED grow lights. In comparison to all conventional lighting options, they are not only less expensive to use but also yield better plants.

Read on to learn more about how LEDs for cultivation work, how they affect plant growth and development, and their advantages over HPS (high-pressure sodium) lamps, the most common type of artificial lighting used in agriculture to date, in the sections below.

What are LEDs and how do they operate?

The term "Light Emitting Diode" is abbreviated as LED. They are semiconductor-based electronic components with positive and negative charges. Current starts to flow when voltage is applied to the LED, which causes electrons to collide and release energy in the form of photons.

What effects does LED grow lighting have on plants?

According to numerous studies, certain colors (blue and red light spectra) have an impact on plant growth by altering the formation of roots and flowers, which essentially means that most types of plants will go through a full life cycle.

When exposed to blue and red growth lights, normal growth occurs. Green, far red, and deep blue are added to the color spectrum to help with this process and generally result in higher quality (faster growing) plants as well as the accumulation of secondary metabolites and other compounds. Full spectrums are spectrums that encompass all colors and closely resemble sunlight.

LED grow lighting

The 4 key parameters in lighting for your crop:

  • The visible light spectrum (the combination of wavelengths used to emit light.
  • The light's intensity (measured in micromoles. It is the number of photons received by the plant "PPFD".
  • Photoperiod (number of hours a plant is exposed to light in 24 hours).
  • Light specificity (the degree to which light is distributed evenly throughout the canopy).

Benefits of LED lighting for agriculture.

LED technology was initially thought to be quite unprofitable and impractical. The production of LED grow lights is now profitable thanks to recent technological advancements.

  •  In comparison to traditional HPS (high-pressure sodium) systems, LEDs outperform them in terms of energy efficiency, plant quality, and environmental sensitivity.
  • Given their shorter lifespan, HPS lamps are more expensive over time.
  • Additionally, incandescent heat, which affects the moisture and nutrient requirements of plants, is released less frequently by LED grow lights.
  • The little heat that is released is directed upward and away from the plants, as opposed to HPS, which directs heat onto the leaf surface, raising leaf surface temperature and occasionally burning leaves.

Various Ways of Using LED Grow Light

Top lighting

 It involves shining light on the plants from above, much like the sun does. To enhance growth in greenhouses, artificial light is intended to supplement natural light.

Inter lighting

 It is a complementary lighting system that involves positioning artificial light between the plant and the leaves to avoid shadows that would otherwise impede healthy growth. It is an application where artificial light is used for growth and bloom, usually in greenhouses.

Vertical farms

To maximize space, the plants are stacked one on top of the other in vertical layers. The lighting system mustn't produce heat because it is placed within each layer, close to the crop. However, to ensure that all the plants grow uniformly, a high degree of uniformity in the lighting distribution on the cultivated surface must be ensured.

Do you need an effective LED grow light?

A grow light that will supply your plants with the right amount of light. One that will not only help your plants grow but also improve your yields as well. If you want this, then our LED grow light is the right choice.  Kindly click here to shop and order yours.


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